
Hello and thank you for stopping by to see my photography! 

I am a Fine Art Photographer based in Hudson, WI.  There, I live with my beautiful and supportive wife of over 30 years.  We were blessed with three incredible children. 

My interest and experience in photography dates back to when I was a young boy.  I learned how to use a manual film camera alongside my father who himself was a successful photographer and writer.  Growing up, I spent many hours in a traditional "wet" darkroom that we had set up at home.   

Photography for me, and I'm sure for any serious photographer (artist), goes way beyond the equipment or physical act of holding a camera and pressing the shutter.  The equipment is merely the tool the artist uses to achieve what he sees with his eyes and imagination, which is really what photography is all about, seeing.  

The bottom line is...I love the art of photography; I consider myself a bit of a "photographic generalist" at heart, preferring to photograph whatever catches my eye, rather than limiting myself to a specific genre.  

So, thank you for visiting and be sure to check back often, as I am continually adding new images.     


Robert Longsdorf

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